will leave you all in no doubt.
It’s that time of year again - synonymous with visits to (or from)
Father Christmas. He just managed a turn at our Infant School Christmas fair
would you believe? A busy man, right now he can be found in department stores
up and down the country, garden centre grottos here and there, and sometimes
even riding through dusky town streets on his sleigh. Wherever it is that
children see him though, there’s often a question that follows, “But he’s not
the real one, is he?”
There is one place however where that question is never asked. Never
even thought of. And right now, some very lucky families will be excitedly packing
bags, boarding flights and heading on the long journey north to Roviemi,
Finnish Lapland, to visit Father Christmas at his official home on the Arctic Circle;
the snowy white wonderland that it is.
We went two years ago, with our two daughters, then aged four and
seven, and as you’d imagine, it was a fairytale adventure from start to end. For
Lapland cannot fail. Which to be honest, was part of the reason why I was totally
apprehensive about visiting another Lapland with them recently - not quite as
far north this one, indeed it was just up the motorway. But really, how on
earth was LaplandUK ever possibly going to compare?
Perhaps for me, it didn’t. The Arctic scenes offer a breath-taking
beauty that renders any comparison useless. But it was not about me was it? It
was about my two girls, now aged nine and six, and the experience they were to
From the moment the invitation landed on the mat from Father Christmas
himself, the children were wildly excited, for they were deemed very special
indeed and chosen to help make toys for all the good girls and boys.
As we entered LaplandUK it was quickly obvious what a well-oiled machine it is. That’s
unfair actually. One cannot call it a machine, as it absolutely does not come
across as a conveyor belt experience with robotic staff going through the
motions. No, it’s about as magical as it could possibly be. Which was a most
refreshing surprise given the horror stories relayed in years gone by of
various UK pop up Lapland’s, ripping people off with an invite to visit a few
fir trees stood in muddy fields.
Far from that, this slick interactive Christmas
experience, based at the snowy Whitmoor Forest in Ascot, is the dream child of Mike and Alison
Battle, who first set the venture up ten years ago, with their four young boys
in mind, devoting time and energy to giving Father Christmas (and all children)
the home he deserved. And my, haven’t they succeeded in what they set out to
do! My two girls entered the enchanted forest in awe, soon helping the elves in
the Toy Factory and singing along to merry song.
The characterisation and story telling is superb. The elves and Mother
and Father Christmas are captivating. Then there’s Whittle, the head of the Toy
Factory; Eeko, Mother Nature’s friend, and Pixie Mixie, the maker of elven
sweets. And many more; all of them interacting with the children beautifully, adding
to the enchantment.
There is decorating gingerbread - to hang on your tree, and writing
letters to the big man himself at the elven post office, which they can send
there and then. And just when you think it couldn’t get any better, there’s
also ice-skating, huskies and reindeer, oh and that very special – and personal
- meeting with Father Christmas. He happened to tell my youngest that her
friend Patrick was on the good list too… her face was a picture… “How do you
know about Patrick?” she enquired, eyes wide.
So what does this wonderful experience all cost? Nowhere near the
price tag it cost to visit the Arctic Circle that’s for sure. Take into account
the theatre experience, the large souvenir photo, the ice-skating, the
gingerbread, the good quality toy gift, and the fact that you can be there quite
some time– we spent five hours, it is well worth the £65 per head entrance
ticket alone. But let’s be honest, it isn’t about the money is it? It’s about the
look on my children’s faces, and the fact that for them, the magic continues.
So, did it compare to Roviemi? And did they question ‘him’ at all? Perhaps I’ll let my nine-year-old have the
last word… “Well there’s no doubt about it; he is definitely the real Father
Christmas Mum.” Yes darling, there’s no doubt at all. Talk about the icing on
the cake!
Invitations to visit LaplandUK start
from £49pp (60% of invitations have already been allocated).