Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Forwarned is forearmed: blog update & Jeremy Hunt

LIFE AS IT IS has taken a back seat while my Lyme disease has been driving. I'm in a much better position than I was a few years ago though and wanted to say thanks for supporting me along the way. My numbers on the lyme posts are staggering. Clearly there are lots of you interested in how to recover naturally from a disease that takes out ones immunity.

Next month, I've planned a one-to-one with MP Jeremy Hunt. I'm making it my mission to have warning signs put up in place, reminding people that ticks are present all over the UK. Not just the New Forest and Scotland. I don't mean to scare people, only to remind them of the unseen dangers, and the havoc these minuscule little creatures can create. I'll keep you posted.

I took this photo in France. Why do we not have anything like this here?


So I met with Jeremy, and he was incredibly helpful. Together we sent letters out to The National Trust, Public Health England, Surrey Wildlife Trust and The National Wildlife Trust as these were the groups that covered the local green areas surrounding my home which I wanted to target. 

The results were better than I hoped for with a great response from all accept Hilary McGrady the Director General of the National Trust who frankly was rather patronising. Shame, but 3 out of 4 is a good start! 

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