Computers, laptops, tablets and mobiles are all culprable. They give off a blue light, thought to interfere with the natural hormones such as melatonin, which help us to sleep.
Leave your mobile out of your room. Or turn it to airplane mode. Better still, turn the whole lot off when you go to bed. Especially the wireless connection. Try it. We did, and were amazed at the result.
Basically, the sleep that we then had, was a far deeper, more restorative sleep. And we woke feeling more refreshed than we had in a long time.
Very true. I always used to take my mobile to bed with me so I could read my Kindle app. My husband complained that it kept him awake and we were both not sleeping very well. So I agreed I would switch off the mobile and not bring it to bed. Suddenly we're both sleeping much better and as a result, we're much happier :-)
There you go! Glad to hear it worked for you too, and thanks for commenting on LIFE AS IT IS
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