Make Your Own Spaceship
Available from: LaurenceKing.com
ISBN: 9781780678405
Makes: 15 pieces
Price: £17.95
This well-made art kit works as a puzzle and craft set in one. The best bit for many mums will be that there is no need for scissors or glue. The pieces press out and slot together with ease. Most of the spacecrafts are brightly designed but a couple are left blank for the children to put their own stamp on. The kit comes in a strong box with envelopes supplied so that you can take the crafts apart ready to assemble another time.
This would be a brilliant set for a larger group of children to get involved in together. My two spent a couple of hours with their heads down creating different spaceships and aliens, then later happily spent another couple of hours in an inter-galactic world of make believe. I loved the fact that they could do it by themselves. All in all, a great afternoon's entertainment.
Emma Oliver received the space craft kit in exchange for a review, all comments are her own