Kid Healthy Week April 2018
- Helping your Child Lead a Healthy life with
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a term that encompasses
several neurological disorders that permanently affect balance, muscle
coordination, and movement. Typically contracted before birth, it affects every
part of a child's ability to function and interact with others. Some infants
display only mild forms of CP and are able to function fairly well, attend
school and make friends among their peer age group. A cerebral
palsy diagnosis can have a devastating effect on parents and siblings,
including feelings of guilt over potential causes, and due to sibling
frustration over the attention required by a child with CP.
For April and Every Kid Healthy Week, it’s important to discuss chronic life-long conditions
like cerebral palsy. Developmental Disabilities like CP present serious
challenges for parents and children. Understanding the condition helps embrace
and navigate through some of the challenges associated with CP, and can also
help parents of newborns take preventative measures against a cerebral palsy
diagnosis. Please read on to understand more about life as it is with this condition...