Friday, 25 October 2019

Treating late-stage Lyme disease naturally, not with antibiotics

If you've got late-stage Lyme, I can't shout loudly enough about treating it naturally. When I think about all the supplements I take, yes they're not cheap, but they are helping me recover naturally, and I'm seeing great gains. Antibiotics are way more expensive, and continued use of these over the years will mean that in the end, your body will suffer.

From what I have read on the matter, when it comes to late-stage Lyme and other tick-borne disease, those that take antibiotics, do so for long periods of time. This of course is at great risk to an immune system that is either already weak or frankly non-existent due to the ever-breeding cycle of bacteria wreaking havoc - as it does in the case of someone with late-stage Lyme.

These patients appear to live in hope financially, physically and emotionally, that each cycle of antibiotic treatment will be their last. Will be the one that wipes out the bacteria for good. However, you then hear of people saving money (we're talking tens of thousands), to get themselves to specialist clinics for IV antibiotic treatment, as the afore-mentioned has not worked. What makes people think that this treatment will be any different? Desperation. In the long term, do you ever hear or read stories of how these patients are health-wise ten years after having intravenous antibiotics?

We know the tick-borne bacteria is clever. That it shape-shifts. That it fools the immune system into cohabiting within the body. Well, my belief is that the Lyme bacteria is so stealth-like, antibiotic treatment will never quite be able to zap absolutely all of it. Along with the fact that every month a new batch of bacteria hatches out; probably adjusting to meet its new conditions. As well as being capable of moving into cyst form as it wishes - which of course would be as it was being targeted by medicine - rendering antibiotic treatment worthless. And then, weeks, months, years down the line, when more favourable conditions return, it can of course begin to replicate, all over again.

As I said at the beginning... 'If you've got late-stage Lyme, I can't shout loudly enough about treating it naturally.'

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Fighting lyme disease with Chinese Medicine

On World Mental Health day, I'm sharing this pic of the supplements I take to support my immune deficient, nutrient depleted self. As advised by the doctor treating me. This lot, three times daily, because Lyme disease strips the system, thanks to the ever-breeding cycle of bacteria running amok.

My brain has been to hell and back thanks to tickborne disease and I've suffered lots with my mental health over the years, as lyme attacks the nervous system.

Thankfully the treatment I'm getting means the brain inflammation has improved... I've been reading books again. I've been able to express myself again. Able to speak with composure again. To join in again. Late-stage Lyme disease is scary. At my worst I had dementia. And suffered seizures. I've never been so frightened. I still forget stuff but I am so much better that I was. The Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment I receive weekly is helping. Recently, my gut started working again... I'm waking up hungry for the first time in four years. It's astonishing; a bit like waking from the dead. Small steps, yet ones that feel huge to me.

 If you've got late-stage Lyme, I can't shout loudly enough about treating it naturally.