Tut Tut! Red tape!
Within this blog, I will review products and places.
Often, this will be as a result of trying something out and wanting to give it a recommendation on social media.
Other times, it will be because I've been gifted products on the condition that I write a review on the GraceFaith blog LIFE AS IT IS.
In this instance, I will:
1) State this is the case within the review.
2) Always write honestly, forming my own opinions.
Therefore not be influenced by the fact that I've received a product for free.
Occasionally on the GraceFaith blog LIFE AS IT IS, I refer to health matters and give advice.
I do not practise as a medical professional, and am no expert.
I am however, a trained Nursery Nurse. I have a Diploma in Child Psychology, and a Media Writing/Journalism degree.
I also have first hand experience of living with Lyme disease and other tick-borne infection.
I am also, first and foremost, a mum. A mum who has lived a life prior to having children. Thank goodness!
Do take some of what I say, with a big pinch of salt. Or, consider what I say, and take note of it... Whichever, please don't think that because something may have helped me or my children, it may automatically help you and yours too. It may not!
Unauthorised use and/or duplication of material without express permission from me, Emma Oliver (the author of LIFE AS IT IS, aka the GraceFaith blog, @Em_Oliver_), is strictly prohibited.
Excerpts and links may however be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Emma Oliver, her LIFE AS IT IS, and Em_Oliver_, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Thank you for reading this page - now onto the next.
And you're off...