Sunday, 31 August 2014

LIFE AS IT IS & finally settling into motherhood

Ever find yourself wishing you were a member of the ‘Motherhood Sucks' society? Or were you always one of the lucky ones; Earth mother personified? Why is it some of us find settling into motherhood more difficult than others?

Last week I invited some mums over for coffee so that the little ones could all have a play, and us grown-ups could feel, well, grown-up.
It was only when chatting about a life prior to having children, that I was confronted with the question, what would I give to return to those days?

Saturday, 30 August 2014

35/52 The GraceFaith year long art project

Choosing a favourite piece of art, each week of the year

Esme draws faces a lot. This one is different though.
The eyes are most definitely looking out at me this time.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Romantic musings of a 5YO

E: Connor says we are going to get married on my 90th birthday as a birthday treat...

Genuine musings of a 2YO

As we pulled up at the red light, it only dawned on me that Sofia Faith (my chatty 2YO) was no longer wearing her seatbelt when she began talking through her open window to the driver of a rather fetching pope mobile (high sided box on wheels), alongside us.

S: Hello man.
Driver: Hi (complete with big grin).
S: We've got a real car.

Birthdays are upon us again...

Not to wish it away or anything...

Secretly I still yearn for 4 and 7,

In the next couple of days, they are 3 and 6.

It's got to be better than 2 and 5 right?!

Am I a terrible mother?

I might be... I actually bought their birthday cakes this year.


And as they age another year,

I note that my children's musings, will be moving on another year too...

So it is with fondness, that I record the very last musings of my 2 and 5YO.

Over to you girls...

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

10 of the best Lyme Regis finds...

We thought this Jurassic coast 205,000,000 year-old ammonite was our best Lyme Regis find this Summer. But here are ten more hidden gems...

1) Artist Marianne Gibson's studio is on Coombe Street, and she can often be found just inside the door working on her latest piece of art. Her attention to detail left us awe struck, so do enter with caution... you will want to get hubby's wallet out. But that's okay, turns out hubby will probably want to as well. Ph: 01297 443164

Sunday, 24 August 2014

34/52 The GraceFaith year long art project

Choosing a favourite piece of art, each week of the year

Sofia began to copy the ammonite, but hey-ho, of course it ended up a snail.
The insect obsession continues...

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Our great Lyme Regis fossil find

As the remnants of Hurricane Bertha stormed through, it churned up the Jurassic coast, leaving a treasure trove of fossils freshly upturned, including this 205,000,000 year old ammonite...

Early Jurassic
c205 million years old

Saturday, 16 August 2014

33/52 The GraceFaith year long art project

Choosing a favourite piece of art, each week of the year

Here is our family on holiday, enjoying some Lyme time (holding fossil hammers).

Friday, 8 August 2014

Growing flowers - QVC Watch Them Grow Kit review (1)

And when the sunflowers they had planted, reached up into the brazenly blue sky beyond, endlessly far away from the children stood rooted beneath them, all with faces upturned, the eldest daughter gasped, her eyes dancing in wonder... 'Can they Mummy? Can they actually reach the land of giants?' 

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Home grown (1) Growing fruit & veg at home

Now I'm not known for my green-fingers, but after picking blueberries and strawbs yesterday morning with the GraceFaith girls, I want to create a few posts about our garden, and how the girls and I have enjoyed growing some flowers and fruit and veg this Summer ourselves.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Saturday, 2 August 2014

31/52 The GraceFaith year long art project

Choosing a favourite piece of art, each week of the year

A probiotic suitable from birth? A review & in-house experiment (3)

So my in-house experiment with the Bio-Kult Infantis Probiotic, somewhat backfired. And I hate to use the word backfired having had babies that only ever had diarrhoea as a consequence of tummy troubles, but with this trial, that's what happened. Frankly, it showed me that pro-biotics cannot help all babies with gut problems.