Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Classroom chat

The teacher was actually brilliant. Simon and I feel so much better for having a chat with her. I think too, it's good to have raised awareness at this stage regarding Esme's poor level of concentration.

The teacher reiterated that Esme was aware of what had been asked of her, even though she had been day dreaming, and in this way, it was not appearing to affect her. Similarly, it was not affecting any of the other children in class. Basically, we should let her be.

I'm just happy that now that it has been addressed at school, it can be observed over the coming weeks/ months.

The teacher recommended that I come in and help in the classroom once a week if possible. I'm happy with that. A big part of Esme's problem has been centred around her fear of missing me while she was at school.

We spoke about socially, how Esme is struggling. Perferring to play alone a lot. That she could do with being buddied up with another child of a similar ability. I'm happy with that too, as long as Esme is. 

And much to my relief, I've had no tears from Esme so far this week. Let's see how that goes. 

I am wondering too if having talked to Esme about the fact that when she is at school, Sofia and I do not get up to anything exciting has helped? I think Esme thought we were having a grand old time of it. I pointed out that we only really do amazing things like pottery in the school holidays - so that she can be involved too. She really thought she was missing out. 

I suppose I ought to have thought about saying something along those lines sooner.

Being a mum. Argh! It is the hardest thing in the world. Meantime, as far as Esme's poor concentration, I have another trick up my sleeve. Well, I hope so anyway.

Look I'll keep you posted.


SarahMummy said...

Sounds positive and reassuring!
And don't beat yourself up over anything - hindsight is a wonderful thing, but parenting is hard and kids are always moving the goalposts!

Writing Life As It Is said...

Too true, thank you Sarah. x

Siobhan C said...

Oh wow, this is a fantastic development. You've got a good teacher there who liked my suggestion of you going in regularly. That's great. And good that you can, am assuming S can be looked after? Did you ever read my post 'Back to School: Farewell Kairos, Hello Chronos'? It looks at how kids' timing is so not one that fits adult clock/chronos time, and how they need that 'kairos' day dreaming time to be creative. You might find it helpful in undstg Esme and in organising her non-school time...http://wp.me/p2oDmP-7U. Sx

Writing Life As It Is said...

Writing a script for work at the mo, but will get to the post for sure. Sounds helpful. Sofia will be looked after by mum for a couple of hours when she is back off hols, so I'm lucky there. Yes, appears to be a great teacher. Thank goodness! And thank you! x

Mummy Tries said...

I've been meaning to write a reply to your original post all week, but just haven't got round to it. I'm so relieved for you that the teacher doesn't think there is any cause for alarm.

If I'm honest my mind has often wandered down this road where my 4yo is concerned. I did a fair bit of research into autism, ADD, ADHD and realised I would end up convincing myself of things I shouldn't actually be worrying about. It's too easily done though isn't it? One factor that was consistent everywhere though, was that diet plays a huge part in conditions found in children - especially sugar. Definitely worth bearing in mind. Friends of ours' 10yo son has just been diagnosed with ADD, and although his dad is aware of the sugar link his mum is refusing to believe diet plays a part. It's so tricky, I really want to help them but am also aware it's not my place. Personally I would always want the information, so I'll pass it on (or try to) and depending on the response I get will know whether it's welcome or not.

Wishing you all the luck in the world on this one. Motherhood is tough enough, and when our little babes are struggling at school it's heart wrenching. Mine was also born in the summer, and after a flying start in Sept we've had tears and tantrums over not wanting to go. She's just so exhausted and I feel awful for her. I'm really starting to think it's all too much too soon over here in the UK, but it's where we live so we are caught between a rock and hard place. Other friends of mine are home educating their three kids and have a great time in doing so. I often think they've got it all sewn up...

Writing Life As It Is said...

…And I've been meaning to write in response to your comment all week, wishing I could find the time to give it the reply it deserves.

First of all, thanks for the heartfelt comment and the luck. Motherhood is tough isn't it?! I'm sure most of us feel that we could do with a lot more luck in our parenting lives.

I'm sorry to read that your little one is now having a period of unsettlement. I hope that passes soon. It did in reception for Esme. And fingers crossed, she seems a lot happier this last week.

I still stand by what I said in a reply to Siobhan's comment - I could not homeschool my kids. I have neither the desire or patience. But perhaps those that do, have got it all sewn up? But then isn't that lush grass over there always so much greener?!

The advice on sugar/diet is very true - I hope your friend listened to you… I have to say I don't cut all sugar out, but it is def monitored. They eat loads of the good stuff too though - except for Fia at the moment, who through teething troubles seems to be having very little of anything.

I am learning to take one day at a time and realising that as long as they get a cuddle and lots of reassurance at home, then hopefully they can make it through the school day just fine.

Hope that you have enjoyed a great weekend.

Mummy Tries said...

One day at a time is sound advice for all mummy's hon. And you're right, the grass always seems so much greener doesn't it ;-) I'm really pleased that Esme is doing better, hope that Fia's teething troubles pass quickly xx

Writing Life As It Is said...

Ah thank you so much x