Sofia Faith has excelled this week with a picture of her Daddy, that she made at nursery.
Coming towards me at pick-up (a long line of parents behind me), she excitedly showed off her creation, shouting, "Look Mummy, I made Daddy. There's his head, there's his legs, and, he has a willy." The latter announced with overtones of TA-DAH!
Looking closely, I was relieved I couldn't notice anything obvious. And so, leaving nursery a little pinker than I arrived, we drove home; Fia still clutching her art.
Unclipping her seatbelt, I realised Fia had removed a green strip of paper - which she told me were underpants - thus revealing a pink body part.
Oh how I have laughed and laughed looking at that picture, and at Fia's ability to not only draw a willy, but to add on underpants.
I am taken back to the time I trained as a Nursery Nurse, and learnt of the 'Draw a person assessment' or 'DAP' test by Goodenough-Harris. This cognitive test is used to evaluate children and adolescents for many different purposes.
In this test, the child is asked to draw a man, and receives a point for each item drawn, with four points equating to 1 year of age. As children draw circles at 3 years, the basic score is 3 and the formula is: 3 + n/4, which gives the child’s approximate mental age
(‘n’ is the number of parts drawn).
I don't think it is necessary for me to add up the items on Sofia's man, to work out that her mental age appears to be far older than her chronological age, do you?!
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