Thursday, 15 November 2012

A night in the life of...

...a frustrated mum

After a fish and chip supper and a few drinks with friends last night, we were rather late to bed. The company was good but the fish and chips were lacking; dry and disappointing. Afterwards, laying in bed, my dinner in my chest, I required copious amounts of Rennie to see me adrift, and as soon as I was, the baby started to cough. Hack, hack, hack. On and off for what seemed to be hours. When she did settle, Esme stirred, crying out for me in agitation. She was having a bad dream, where hands kept trying to grab her. Poor lamb. As I cuddled her, it dawned on me she was hot. Sure enough she had a high temperature. Medicine, a drink and some more cuddles later, she finally stopped talking rubbish and calmed. I put her back to bed in time for Sofia to begin coughing again. An eventful night then, and now a new day. My gorgeous 4YO is not so gorgeous. She is pasty with thick throat. I can smell the poorliness oozing out of her. Yuk. Nurse Mummy wonders, another cold coming, or something more sinister lurking - tonsillitis? Currently Sofia sleeps on. Today was the first day ever I had organised a sitter for her so that my mum and I could venture out for lunch and a shop. Typical.

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