All this back to school stuff has pissed me right off, as today I realised for the first time that we are totally governed by the LEA's calendar. And will be for approx 20 more years. Ugghhhh.
And how do I come to realise this? Well, panto tickets I booked will have to be changed.
Esme doesn't finish school until the 21st December and so a theatre trip planned for a few days beforehand is just not possible. I cannot ask my 4YO daughter to tell a white lie in the name of Christmas tradition now can I? (No Miss, I was not sick, I saw Snow White and funny seven little men yesterday). No, not yet.
The 21st December. I ask you, where's the fun in that? Oh I know there will be nativity and carol concert and party and even the great red-suited jollyness himself to enjoy in the run up to the 21st, all at school - but where's left exactly for the build up to Christmas together at home? I don't think that three days is enough and actually, I think it's all a bit rude. Nevermind, there's always Esme's latest joke to bring about a smile...
E: What do you call a jelly that flies?
M: I don't know, what do you call a jelly that flies?
E: A jellycopterPriceless!