I write for Tesco magazine, and I want to highlight the fact that Tesco is collecting food in store over this weekend to help those in need.
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Product review: Daddy Pig's Puddle Jump App
Released: Sept 2013 Updated: Nov 2013
Price: £1.49
Available from: iTunes
Compatible: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
Age: Pre-school kids & Peppa Pig fans alike
Daddy Pig's Puddle Jump App by Entertainment One with its rich animation, loveable characters and humour, is the latest Peppa Pig game to be released.
Price: £1.49
Available from: iTunes
Compatible: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
Age: Pre-school kids & Peppa Pig fans alike
Daddy Pig's Puddle Jump App by Entertainment One with its rich animation, loveable characters and humour, is the latest Peppa Pig game to be released.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Parenting is...
…Having no clean cot sheets available due to the sheer amount of mucous induced vomits.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Britmums Xmas gathering...
...Was fab! I walked in on a veritable smorgasbord and lots of twinkly table decorations. Two beautiful reindeer I seem to recall. Oh, and smiley mums galore - before and after the vino (hic!) and some brilliant turkey tips if you are so inclined. And apparently you are, as Executive Chef of Product Development at Morrisons, Neil Nugent said, it is still the 'in' thing to have on the Christmas table - just don't use foil when cooking it. (Yes, there was an audible gasp at that mention).
Monday, 25 November 2013
COMPETITION - WIN a week's supply of NATY Nappies
Naty by Nature Babycare has teamed up with Life As It Is to give away a week’s supply of eco disposable nappies to one lucky winner.
Designed to be healthier for your baby’s delicate skin than standard disposable nappies, Naty’s nappies contain a natural cornstarch leakage barrier which allows baby’s skin to breathe naturally whilst keeping them dry, causing less irritation, and protecting them from harmful bacteria and pathogens.
Recommended by the Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association, the nappies are fragrance free and the pulp used is Totally Chlorine Free (TCF). Healthier for the environment too, Naty’s disposable nappies are based on biodegradable and renewable materials, including FSC certified wood pulp.
Naty are the UK’s greenest disposable nappies widely available on the high street. Stockists: Waitrose, Ocado, Boots, Mothercare, Sainsbury, Tesco. RRP from £3.99 (depending on pack size). You can find out more about Naty here.
To be in with a chance of winning, take a few moments to leave a comment, sharing with Life As It Is why you would like to win Naty nappies. One winner will be selected, who will receive nappies in the correct size for their baby.
To be in with a chance of winning, take a few moments to leave a comment, sharing with Life As It Is why you would like to win Naty nappies. One winner will be selected, who will receive nappies in the correct size for their baby.
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Friday, 22 November 2013
Can't concentrate? I try an in-house experiment (1)
Those of you that read my blog regularly, will know that I've recently carried out an in-house experiment with my teething 2yo, Sofia Faith. Together, we tested Naty nappies and Eco Rash Cream. These products impressed me greatly, to the point I'm now converted.
Thanks to Fia's teething, you'll also know that I've been sleep deprived. Recent worries brought about by Esme struggling at school, haven't helped that either!
My fidgety 5yo, Esme Grace, has a poor level of concentration. That's not news to me. But what is, is that it's now been flagged up by her teacher.
Thanks to Fia's teething, you'll also know that I've been sleep deprived. Recent worries brought about by Esme struggling at school, haven't helped that either!
My fidgety 5yo, Esme Grace, has a poor level of concentration. That's not news to me. But what is, is that it's now been flagged up by her teacher.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
In light of today's #Prose4Thought I just signed the petition "Shut down cyberbullying website, Ask.fm, in memory of Izzy Dix & 12 other teens globally" on Change.org.
It's important. Will you sign it too?
Here's the link:
Thank you.
It's important. Will you sign it too?
Here's the link:
Thank you.
Celestial musings of a 5yo & her mother
E: Mummy, please can we get a telescope so I can look at shooting stars with you one starry night? I would like to see a real shooting star, just once...
Mummy's thoughts on this:
Darling girl, I promise you that together forever we will watch the starry nights; finding those that zoom across the sky, and observing those that simply twinkle.
Oh but how you do not yet realise my girl, that the brightest star of all, is you.
I am linking this post to #Prose4Thought and dedicating it to another bright star, Izzy Dix. Please read her story at the Prose4Thought link up, and then sign the petition against anti-bullying. Thank you.
Mummy's thoughts on this:
Darling girl, I promise you that together forever we will watch the starry nights; finding those that zoom across the sky, and observing those that simply twinkle.
Oh but how you do not yet realise my girl, that the brightest star of all, is you.
I am linking this post to #Prose4Thought and dedicating it to another bright star, Izzy Dix. Please read her story at the Prose4Thought link up, and then sign the petition against anti-bullying. Thank you.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Nappy rash cure? I try an in-house experiment (3)
Ten days ago I set out on an experiment here at home. The method was simple. To trial new nappies and nappy cream on Sofia Faith (my teething 2YO). You can recap here on my thoughts prior to starting out.
Fast forward and I am absolutely delighted with the results. Not that Sofia little miss grumpy guts seems to share my delight. For today she has had such a sore mouth, she has found it difficult to talk. Her gums are so inflamed, her drool, constant. Her temper short.
What is easier for her though… is her bottom. Thank goodness. The Naty nappies and cream have helped; significantly. Her teething acidic poo remains, but her angry red rash has gone. I am so impressed.
You can read my review of the Naty Eco Rash Cream here. Meanwhile, read on for my review of the Naty nappies & pull-ups… oh and a word to the nappy buying wise: Do read to the end, there's a Naty prize up for grabs that could make your LIFE AS IT IS a little bit easier.
Fast forward and I am absolutely delighted with the results. Not that Sofia little miss grumpy guts seems to share my delight. For today she has had such a sore mouth, she has found it difficult to talk. Her gums are so inflamed, her drool, constant. Her temper short.
What is easier for her though… is her bottom. Thank goodness. The Naty nappies and cream have helped; significantly. Her teething acidic poo remains, but her angry red rash has gone. I am so impressed.
You can read my review of the Naty Eco Rash Cream here. Meanwhile, read on for my review of the Naty nappies & pull-ups… oh and a word to the nappy buying wise: Do read to the end, there's a Naty prize up for grabs that could make your LIFE AS IT IS a little bit easier.
Nappy rash cure? I try an in-house experiment (2)
Ten days ago I set out on an experiment here at home. The method was simple. To trial new nappies and nappy cream on Sofia Faith (my teething 2YO). You can recap here on what my thoughts were prior to starting out.
Fast forward and I am absolutely delighted with the results. Not that Sofia little miss grumpy guts seems to share my delight. For today she has had such a sore mouth, she has found it difficult to talk. Her gums are so inflamed, her drool, constant. Her temper short.
What is easier for her though… is her bottom. Thank goodness. The Naty nappies and cream have helped; significantly. Her teething acidic poo remains, but her angry red rash has gone. I am so impressed.
I've written two reviews - one for the cream and the other, for the nappies/pull ups. First, my take on the cream…
Fast forward and I am absolutely delighted with the results. Not that Sofia little miss grumpy guts seems to share my delight. For today she has had such a sore mouth, she has found it difficult to talk. Her gums are so inflamed, her drool, constant. Her temper short.
What is easier for her though… is her bottom. Thank goodness. The Naty nappies and cream have helped; significantly. Her teething acidic poo remains, but her angry red rash has gone. I am so impressed.
I've written two reviews - one for the cream and the other, for the nappies/pull ups. First, my take on the cream…
Monday, 18 November 2013
Friday, 15 November 2013
Thursday, 14 November 2013
FURTHER TRAVEL TALES: Thailand & simplicity
In a near forgotten past and in a life before children, there was a young girl who wandered without bags under her eyes but with a bag on her back. Here she returns to notes she made while visiting Thailand back in 1999
Dawn, and the sleepy stillness of Chumphon, a tiny Thai fishing village, is broken. The boat to the island of Ko Tao, slowly moves past the preparing fishermen. Some of them wave over, but most just stare intently from their three tiered blue and white trawlers that are all lined up and gently moving together. Engines chug. The backdrop is that of large honey glazed palms glowing in the morning light.
Locals and backpackers: both
dependent on each other and for this moment, both curious about the other. The
sun salutes all. The backpackers settle into more comfortable positions on the
top of the deck, putting on their imitation sunglasses they picked up for a
pittance on the Khoa San Road. The crews continue to work. The glint of a metal
bucket dangling on a rope reflects in the water it is about to be washed in.
Tanned bodies in brightly coloured sarongs compliment both images. Moving
towards the open Gulf of Thailand, we leave the fishermen to their new
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Nativity musings of a 5YO
All afternoon Esme has been singing the songs she has begun to learn at school for her nativity play.
Those of you following LIFE AS IT IS, will remember that last year I had a teeny bit of Mary envy about this time.
On hearing the lyrics tell the story of a baby born in a manger, I asked Esme, "Oh, do you know who is Joseph and who is Mary?"
Yes, she said. Joseph is a boy and Mary is a girl.
That'll teach me.
Following this conversation, I questioned Esme further: "Do you think you would like to be Mary?"
"No" she said.
"Why's that?" I asked.
"Because I would like to be the donkey."
And I suppose that will teach me again.
Those of you following LIFE AS IT IS, will remember that last year I had a teeny bit of Mary envy about this time.
On hearing the lyrics tell the story of a baby born in a manger, I asked Esme, "Oh, do you know who is Joseph and who is Mary?"
Yes, she said. Joseph is a boy and Mary is a girl.
That'll teach me.
Following this conversation, I questioned Esme further: "Do you think you would like to be Mary?"
"No" she said.
"Why's that?" I asked.
"Because I would like to be the donkey."
And I suppose that will teach me again.
Old MacDonald had a farm, and now, so do we!
Price: £49.95
Age suitable for: Children 3 years and up
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Guilty musings of a 5YO
From upstairs I can hear Fia begin to cry. Quickly followed by Esme (my guilty 5yo): "Sorry Fia. I love you. Don't tell."
Monday, 11 November 2013
I was there today. Amidst the bustle and the buzz. I found myself getting off the tube early. I wanted to take it all in. To walk and wonder as I went. The skyline reminded me of good times - even under steely skies. I love this city of ours. This place so wide awake.
A city to be celebrated.
Check it out Will Pearson style...
A city to be celebrated.
Check it out Will Pearson style...
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Friday, 8 November 2013
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
SOS Virunga
A friend is responsible for the film linked below, and I wanted to shout about it on my blog to help raise awareness of Africa's oldest national park. Virunga...
A World Heritage Site, it has it all. Rainforests, volcanoes, wildlife. Indeed, incredible wildlife that I have been privileged to witness with my own eyes.
BUT. It is in jeopardy of becoming Africa's latest oil venture. The oil company Soco might well explore for oil here. And if they find oil, then what? Dig up this beauty spot? This amazingly beautiful habitat to endangered species.
Surely this cannot be allowed to happen.
To join the fight to protect Virunga, check out this website and sign the petition, better still, watch this incredible film my friend produced, and then get involved...
Thank you.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
That old chestnut: A poem about fickle friendship
And then there's that old chestnut: 'So and so says they don't like me anymore.'
I suppose it shouldn't be dismissed, but neither should it be of too much concern.
I suppose it shouldn't be dismissed, but neither should it be of too much concern.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Nappy rash cure? I try an in-house experiment (1)
The lovely people over at Naty nappies, have sent me some hypo-allergenic nappies and eco cream to try out with my 2yo Sofia, for she is having a tough time at the moment; teething.
It's the back molars coming in, causing her so much angst. As a result, she has hideous nappies and a very sore bottom.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Daydreaming: ADD or intellectual thought process (2)
This post sheds some light...
Back to school – farewell Kairos, hello Chronos
'My daughter so desperately needs time to day dream. And apparently researchers at UCLA have confirmed that, finding that day dreaming, or ‘reverie’ to give it a posh term, to be an essential part of brain development and of creativity. It’s also essential for problem-solving.'
Classroom chat
The teacher was actually brilliant. Simon and I feel so much better for having a chat with her. I think too, it's good to have raised awareness at this stage regarding Esme's poor level of concentration.
Daydreaming: ADD or intellectual thought process?
Esme Grace, my fidgety 5yo, suffers from poor concentration. It has always been that way.
Monday, 4 November 2013
ANXIETY & the return to school
Half term is over & Esme's back to school again (Year 1)
Some of you have been reading about this time last year when Esme Grace returned to reception after her first ever half term holiday. It is unbelievable to me that a whole 12 months has passed and here we are again...
I'm wondering how much has changed. Reading back, it would appear not a lot. My bright, confident little Esme has got to the same point in the school calendar, just one year further, and decided she'd rather be at home.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Saturday, 2 November 2013
Halloween & our great community spirit
One last post to celebrate Halloween, for realising it is not like this for everyone, I wanted to shout about how lucky we are living on our lane. A community within a community, where everyone can get involved. Food, arts & crafts, games, face paints, dress up; it is fun for all.
Obviously Halloween inspired, Esme (5yo) has chosen to drawn a witch on a broomstick - I love her stars! And Sofia (2yo), has informed me, this is a picture of spiders.
Friday, 1 November 2013
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