Friday 11 July 2014

Replaying that first morning of sickness:

Two days ago (my sensitive 5YO) Esme Grace appeared downstairs pale and peaky, announcing she felt bloody awful - not quite in those words - before losing her balance and falling on me. At which point, Sofia Faith (her 2YO drama queen of a sister), with no sense of concern whatsoever, announced somewhat louder - by yelling in fact:

"No Esme. I am sick. You aren't." (Accompanied with foot stamp and fake cough).


We went to the doc yesterday. Turns out Esme has tonsillitis and is very unwell. And Fia?
Well, what she has is something a little harder to treat: A classic sibling case of toddleritis.

It has been a testing couple of days.


Tarana Khan said...

Oh my! I hope Esme Grace gets better soon. Toddleritis is harder to treat, though! #PoCoLo

Anonymous said...

Aww I hope things will be better for your daughter soon. I remember this with me and my copy cat sister before. It is hard to rake care of one sick daughter and another one who wants the same attention. Hang in there. #PoCoLo

Anonymous said...

Oh and my sister and I are okay. Its just really a phase from before =)

Kim Carberry said...

hahaha! Hope they are both better soon...x

Mummy Tries said...

Oh honey you have my sympathy, hope Esme is all better real soon! Fia sounds like a cute character, think she'd get on well with my own toddler (2y5m) :-) #PoCoLo