Saturday, 1 June 2013

Bringing career skills to parenting?

Blogger Judith, over at Secrets of the Sandpit, has written a post about what she is teaching her children, and the teaching skills she's brought with her from her career. 

Thought-provoking or what at 6am?! Here are those thoughts...

I'm really lucky as I trained as a nursery nurse straight from school, then worked with countless children for twenty years before going back to do journalism at Uni as a mature student. I bring all the tricks of the nannying trade with me, along with the greatest of all, which links in with journalism's feature writing - storytelling. 

Training as a Nursery Nurse, completing a child psychology Diploma, and, Nannying, all gave me a built in understanding of children's behaviour, what to expect overall, and a whole host of tips for an 'easier' life as a parent. Except of course that as mum, thanks to a shared strong bond, you have to deal with guilt, and emotions I never knew existed as Nanny.

In her post, interestingly, Judith raises the importance of praising our kids. I've recently written a three-page feature on this subject for the Autumn 2013 issue of Baby London, and my blog is where it began... I will of course link the article to LIFE AS IT IS at the time the mag is out, but wanted to say that we should never under-estimate how praising our children, encourages them to be happy, confident and independent little people.

In my next post I want to share my top ten tips to positive parenting, taken from the article Positive Parenting and the Power of Praise which if you'd like to read, is available as a full feature in the Autumn 2013 issue of Baby London Magazine.

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