Sunday, 23 June 2013

Questioning the (inherent) art of procrastination...

Did I always procrastinate? Bloody hell yes. And I believe I became incredibly creative in doing so.

As the youngest teen child of three, also expected to help out with the dinner/dishes and other such duties, I would usually manage to have something else to do. Such as have a friend telephone at that  time.

And then, prior to homework and piano practise, I'd apply make-up. Not that I had any, but my sister did... 

...You see, I would steal into her room and steal her eighties collection of colour, applying liberally as Culture Club blared from her boom box. Ooh, remember that album? When my dear Granny had asked me what I'd like for Christmas that year and I'd replied, 'Colour by numbers,' she'd assumed I meant a painting book of sorts. Anyway, I digress...

Only after a full face of bright pinks and blues, and looking like Boy George herself, would I turn to my desk, my books, my homework and get away with what little I could. For throughout my teen years, I was never studious; probably down to inheriting that ability to procrastinate.

Instead of doing a full half hour of piano practise, I would set the timer for 20 minutes only, sometimes 15, and try and get away with it. I did mostly. I remember my mother saying, 'That passed quickly, didn't it.' 'Mmm.' I would agree, shooting upstairs before she questioned it.

If I could manage to put off 'til tomorrow what I should have done today, I would, without fail. So much so that in our household, I earned the nickname, 'Blister.' Because I always appeared after the work was done. (I've a quick-witted father).

A father who was incredibly strict when we were kids. So now, I'm musing, did my knack of procrastination stem from rebellion?

Anyway, nature or nurture, was I proud of this attribute? Yeah, damn right - I find looking back amusing. Especially now I have my own kids. Seeing them as little ones, already adept at the art form that is procrastination, adds to the theory that we're born into it.

Sofia Faith (my mischievous 21mo) could cuddle up for England, rather than tidy up for me. And Esme Grace (my gregarious 4yo) will use Jedi mind tricks/procrastinating tactics to wangle a situation into the one she would like it to be, rather than the one it ought to be.

Having the girls has meant that my own procrastinating can no longer be what it once was. Mostly, anyway, for as my youngest Fia now naps, I'm supposed to be finishing freelance work, instead of which, I'm writing a blog post.

Overall, my LIFE AS IT IS with kids, generally does not allow for me to procrastinate anymore. For example, I can no longer lay in. Ever. And the reason being, I met motherhood. There's always something else to do, to be done, to see to, to cook, to clean, to make, to kiss better, to play, to enjoy...  to whinge about...

Perhaps though, one could view all of these verbs as a chance to procrastinate? I guess then it's now a question of priority? Which things are important, which things have to be done, which things must sit at the top of the to do list???

And then, procrastination begs us to consider how much exactly we live (and love) our lives? 

Our lives at home with our kids. 
Sometimes it is better for the house to be unclean and the child to be comforted, no?
Sometimes, being at home with the children is the last place we want to be.

Anyway, this post on procrastination is complete. It has to be, for before my youngest wakes up, and it is time to collect my eldest from school, I have a script to finish. After all, I'm only up to the recipe section. Which reminds me. Lunch. I ought to go and get something to eat. I'm ravenous...

FOOTNOTE: This post was written on Friday last week, but due to a certain amount of weekend family time and parenting procrastination, it's only just been published!

PS This post was an entry for a competition to win an e-course of lessons in blogging. The post had to be written on either 'Inspiration' or 'procrastination.' And guess, what, the above post won me the prize. Happy days!

I am returning to this post, for it ties in so very nicely with this week's link on The Prompt - Procrastination.


About JollyJilly said...

I loved your post and I am not suprised it won a prize it was great

Maddy@writingbubble said...

I love the way you (and your girls) show your creative side through procrastination! I guess it is a life skill like any other. fab post xx #theprompt

Writing Life As It Is said...

Hellooo, thanks for that.

Writing Life As It Is said...

Maddy, hi. Life skill? I never thought of it as such but yes, it can be a positive I suppose! Thanks.

mumturnedmom said...

I like that idea, creative procrastination :) Motherhood really does get in the way of it, doesn't it?! Although, I can still be pretty good at it :) Thanks so much for sharing with #ThePrompt x

Writing Life As It Is said...

A pleasure dear Sara, ps. just voted for your blog in BIB awards x