Thursday, 25 October 2012

The screaming (2) - Homeopathic remedy for baby tummy troubles

Esme Grace’s start was repeated on the diet/allergy front by her sister Sofia Faith, three years down the line. Sofia was born and the colic kicked in two days after. She also screamed non-stop, and ended up on Baby Gaviscon and the ever so expensive Neocate formula. 

The very attractive and very fabulous paediatric consultant highlighted the not so very attractive and not so very fabulous fact that to have one allergic baby was rotten luck, but to have two, was just rotten.

Before I move on from the dietary ailments of my children, I want to share with you the homeopathic remedy named COLOCYNTH. I tried all the lotions and potions in the world to ease baby number two’s tummy before having to result to prescription formula. None of them worked, but colocynth helped.