Monday, 17 June 2013

I'm NOT going to Britmums live!

But it would appear that the rest of the entire blogging community that is the writing parenthood, is.

Am I jealous? No. Envious. Yes. That's it, envious.

I didn't get my arse in gear quick enough. No. I didn't realise, until it was too late. And now, I'm all about the wishing. Which is never good.

To explain my envy; it's that community print thing. When you read fellow blogs enough, they become a ritual you look forward to, often an extension of your day, with a process of comment exchanging sometimes required, which I personally really enjoy.

And when the story of another life out there, shares so many traits with your own, well, the chance to have a shindig with them, is rather an attractive prospect. The excitement of getting to meet others who have let you share the minutiae of their lives: through emotion, humour, thought-provoking posts a plenty, to put a face to a name and to share a smile, it is, well all rather sweet.

To add to that, to have the chance to learn more about blogging and the social media industry itself, well then you'll start to get why all these parents are a buzz with the weekend that awaits.

So you see, I can't help but feel by missing this coming weekend's Britmums Live event, I'm really missing out...

Anyway, because there are (hopefully) a few? other parenting bloggers out there who wanted to attend but who are also too late to be involved, here's an introduction post that I wanted to share, especially with you... oh and it is meant to be amusing!

Name Emma

Blog LIFE AS IT IS (aka the GraceFaith blog)

Twitter ID @1grace1faith

Height Usually 5ft 8, but thanks to the sinking feeling that I've gained due to not having a ticket for Britmums Live 2013, I'm currently looking a lot shorter.

Hair Dark blond (haven't had highlights done for ages and certainly won't be bothering now that I'm not able to attend the coming weekend's event).

Eyes Blue. Oh and bright, thanks to the unshed tears (all down to fact that I'm not able to attend the coming weekend's event). 

Is this your first blogging conference? It would have been.

Are you attending both days? Apparently not even one.

What are you most looking forward to at Britmums Live 2013? Rather sadly, getting it over with.

What are you wearing? Mourning dress - both days.

What do you hope to gain from Britmums Live 2013? Potentially an advanced email about ticket sales for 2014?

Tell us one thing about you that not everyone knows I'm prepared to sell my youngest child for a ticket.


Charly Dove said...

Very funny! At least you know you want to go next year. I can't tell you what it's like as I've not been yet. It will my first BritMums Live this week *sniggers nervously*

Writing Life As It Is said...

Thanks Charly for commenting! What have you possibly got to be nervous about. Embrace, embrace! It will be so much fun. *sighs deeply* (Joking). xxx

Mummys little blog said...

Im not going either! but hey ho were off camping instead!!

Writing Life As It Is said...

Brilliant Saz. Gotta LOVE camping! #enjoy... and there's a heatwave on its way apparently! Thx for reading! x

Unknown said...

Really sad I won't get to meet you. :(

It's so true, the people you read about online start to feel so real to you, you share as much if not more than you do with real life friends from behind the thin veil of anonymity.

Hopefully there will be some other opportunity to meet some time...?

Writing Life As It Is said...

Of course there will be... our wee poetry group (that's growing all the time) could have a meet up further down the line... who knows?! Or there's always next year!

I love the point you make about anonymity, it's so true. You word it so perfectly.

Have a great time and thanks for commenting Judith.

Mammasaurus said...

Ah maaaaaaaaaaan :( You'll be schnaffling up the 1st ticket to the 2014 one then x

Jenny from Cheetahs In My Shoes & Just Photos By Me said...

I'm not going either for various reasons but will be at the foodie one in November, and hopefully will see you in 2014...

Writing Life As It Is said...

Yeah! Cu in 2014... have fun this weekend. x

Writing Life As It Is said...

Ah, not bothering with the food, not really my bag. (Ok, apart from the eating), but whatever you're upto this w end, hope it's a good one. Cheers for the comment Jenny.

Kelly Innes said...

Oh no! But there'll be lots of posts sharing tips that we pick up, so I hope that makes up for it. *makes note not to blog about good stuff but only rubbish bits to make you feel better*

Writing Life As It Is said...

You fabulous girl you! See, there's that blogging community spirit I was on about... Thanks & enjoy!

Pinkoddy said...

I shall you at Britmums 2014 then! Am already planning my ticket. Start thinking about your sponsor and be the first to snap them up too. There's live streaming of some of it so you wont totally miss it.

Writing Life As It Is said...

Cheers lovey. Good to know... am on it now! (Sort of. Script writing deadline!) See u at the next one. x

helloitsgemma said...

there are something like 3,000 blogs registered with Britmums - the event is 500 people! you are not alone - although if you look on twitter on Friday/Sat you might feel it's just you! it isn't!!!!!
Look forward to 2014!

Unknown said...

Hahaha that was EXACTLY me last year, I had only been blogging 3 months and hadnt even heard of BritMums live until everyone got hyped about going. It sounded so much fun that I brought my ticket for this year about a week later! Hopefully see you there next year! :)

Actually Mummy... said...

Funny :) See you next year, and try to watch some of the sessions online :)

Writing Life As It Is said...

Thx for ur comment...

Writing Life As It Is said...

Next year I will be similarly & knowingly smug, lol! Have a great time this year, cu next! ;-)

Writing Life As It Is said...

I'm sure I will. Thanks for visiting the GraceFaith blog!

Coombe Mill - Fiona said...

You are where I was last year, I think I may have been first to buy a ticket this year! Great post.

Writing Life As It Is said...

Thx so much... I was hoping to raise a smile!

Mummy Barrow said...

Last year the tickets for this year went on sale during BritmumsLive

On your marks

Get set


Writing Life As It Is said...

Did everybody read that?!

Unknown said...

I knooooooooow how you feel! I was all set to buy my ticket this year, but my work said I needed to travel over the weekend for a conference....then made me redundant three weeks before BritMumsLive!! Argh! Next year for shizzle - see you there!

Writing Life As It Is said...

Def! Thx so much for your comment. You must have felt so frustrated about that whole scenario. I hope that the redundancy hasn't been too traumatic. All the best.

mumturnedmom said...

I was with you on this one :) Watching my twitter feed and the live stream of the awards wishing I was there! I've already bought my ticket for next year! See you there :)

Writing Life As It Is said...

You def will Sara, I've got mine too! Thanks for popping by to comment x

Anonymous said...

Have you had any luck finding your 2014 sponsor yet? What's the best way to go about it?