Monday, 10 June 2013

To recap: Nursery nursing, snot & job satisfaction

Week two of training as a nursery nurse in a special needs nursery, and for some reason this little one had taken to me. Probably because Downs syndrome children are so full of affection. She had a bad cold, the sort where permanent train tracks of snot conjoin nose and mouth. Her glasses were skewed; barely on. Her knotted hair wild. Her smile massive. She was deaf. But as I hammered on the floor in front of the tunnel that she motored through, she felt the vibration. She looked up at me. Her smile enlarged. The gap between us closed. She reached me. She threw herself upon me. Laughing. Hugging. Holding me close. She pulled her head back to look into my eyes. To check I laughed too. As she did so, the spaghetti string of snot, stretched out bridging the two of us. Her world, her silent world, was loud, noisy and full to the brim with happiness. I remember thinking, I don't know if I'll ever find this level of job satisfaction again. I'm not sure I ever did.

FOOTNOTE: I wanted to add that I since found an amazing level of job satisfaction. Clearly I am totally happy with my LIFE AS IT IS as mum and with the writing/creative work I am able to do. With every blank page that becomes written and worked up, I am fulfilled. But, the point that I was trying to make above, is that the sort of satisfaction that particular scene gave me as a 17-year-old trainee, remains untouchable. It always will. It was a one-off moment in my life. 


Anonymous said...

I am a learning disability nurse and have had moments like these. Moments when someone can communicate with you maybe not through words or voice but they make a connection with you. Lovely xx

Unknown said...

Oh the spaghetti string of snot really got me! What a beautiful story!

Elizabeth said...

This is beautiful Emma just so lovely. I have worked with adults with Downs and with learning disabilities and I know precisely what you mean about that connection. And I also know there's no other satisfaction quite like. A wonderful heart warming story. xx

All At Sea said...

How wonderful to have that job satisfaction at 17 - whilst I was bored out my brains on the cash desk at John Menzies... x

Unknown said...

What a wonderful piece of writing and the fact that you had those types of feelings at 17 shows what a sensitive and lovely person you are. Thank you for linking to Prose For Thought xx

Writing Life As It Is said...

It must be so rewarding for you. Thanks for taking the time to comment x

Writing Life As It Is said...

Thanks Judith, we've all been there with our own kids and their train tracks of snot huh, but this was something else!

Writing Life As It Is said...

Thanks lovely, sometimes it's the small things that are the biggest. So glad you enjoyed x

Writing Life As It Is said...

Ha! That made me smile Helen. At least you were getting paid for that! x

Writing Life As It Is said...

It's a pleasure to link up Vicky. And cheers for that x

H said...

Love it! I work with children and it's these little moments that keep me going!

Writing Life As It Is said...

Ah thanks for stopping by Helen. It certainly is the small things that are often the biggest!